Thursday 14 April 2011


When I watched the last part of this video, as I guess you also got, I shuddered. Because it was the simplest way of expressing so many things which we are in and look like so complicated. It was the easiest way of making us criticise ourselves, even without being have to hear anything from our friends, families, teachers, or anyone we have relationship with. Furthermore the video was consisting of such a wide rhetoric which was valid for every part of life.
When I was alone with my soul; 
At the peak point of not being selfish at all,
 A few words hit me what said ' Change your point of view to make the world change its point of view toward you. ' 

That is it. Easy. It is not a kind of easiness like to find something easy when it is looked at from outside, when we are out of that. It is a sort of easiness like that the more we get closer the more we find it easy. I mean, such a situation which distances are ineffective; but even fed by distances, fed by the world!

In this blog, I am going to mention about Turkey, which is my country, with regard to its public relations sector and its potential it has with the developing economy day by day by breaking up some prejudiced information on Turkey, some pictures drew so far. 
Shortly, the main aim of this project is to create a difference especially on the minds of public relations professionals in terms of Turkey and the politics it drives.

Thank you very much 

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